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Don't believe everything you think🙃

Oops. Think I might be on the receiving end of a "need not apply" memo, when it's my turn🤣🤣🤣

I know almost nothing about music but this from Miles Davis really hit home🎺 It's not the mistake you make that's important. It's what you do afterwards that can completely change things for you🎺 If you do nothing, or even pretend you didn't make a mistake. You're hurting yourself in more ways than you can imagine🎺 If your mistake had an impact on others and you try to gloss it over, your reputation takes a hit. Even if no-one else is involved, your self respect suffers🎺 When you're running a business, you're going to make mistakes: Bad investments, poor partnership or collaboration choices, buying cheap instead of buying right🎺 Even forgetting to send invoices or answer client queries can hurt your bottom line🎺 Stop lying to yourself when you've messed up. Admit it and figure out what you can learn from the experience. How can you turn it around and benefit from the error🎺 That's right I said benefit🎺 There may have been a missed opportunity, a way to grow your reputation instead of damaging it🎺 Maybe it's a sign that you need to take more time making important decisions or you need to have someone who's not part of your world, take a look at things BEFORE you make your move🎺 Mistakes are an opportunity to grow, to learn more about yourself. But only if you have the guts to put your hand up and say out loud that you messed up. Takes courage that does🎺 I've lost count of how many times I've fucked up in my life. Took me years to grow a pair big enough to look at my mistakes and work out how to not make them again🎺 Cue massive change in mindset and way of looking at life🎺 Don't wait to learn from your mistakes. Reflect and forgive yourself. Do your best not to repeat the same fouls🎺 Work out what you can do better or find yourself a mentor, or someone who will give honest feedback or at the very least, be an impartial sounding board - to help YOU make better choices🎺 I've done this for several clients - people who aren't afraid to admit their failures and invest in themselves to avoid getting stuck in a vicious cycle of screw up - rinse and repeat. Not so surprisingly it's successful business owners who reach out to me🎺 People who are continually having a hard time, never seem to get in touch🎺 Wonder why? Drop me a DM if you're looking for someone to help you gain some clarity🎺

This meme made me chuckle. That was me, a guy standing looking at an empty wallet, asking myself - pretty much the same question. How come I'm so broke? Truth is we both know why you're broke and it's not really your fault. Today we're expected to provide everything that society says we should: Annual holidays, new cars, nice homes, latest phones, laptops and TVs. All paid for on a monthly instalment plan. And then there's food, utilities and general household expenses. And there's erm, loans and the overdraft... Your regular income, is just that. Regular. If you're lucky you might get a 5% pay rise each year. But if inflation is at say 6% you're losing money before you get out of bed in the morning. Is there no way out? That depends on you. It's easy to fall into a river of debt. I built up a nice little lake of £50,000 worth. So easily done, if you're not paying attention. I wasn't. Took me around 5 YEARS to pay it all back. 5 challenging years. Paying back the debt, maintenance and my rent + minimum out goings. ❌No holidays, ❌No car (got rid of it after a year, I recall.) ❌No meals out or takeaways ❌No nights out ❌No new clothes A pretty monkish life, I agree. But I got myself back on dry land. I decided to quit my corporate gig - I didn't know at the time but on reflection I believe the financial this was one of the underlying reasons - even though I'd paid everything back before leaving. I work for myself today, have done for around 6 years. I pay close attention to my outgoings and clear off my credit card every month. One major thing that helped me get out of the debt spiral was a change of my mindset, my way of looking at spending. And how I wanted to live my life going forward. I don't spend lavishly but I enjoy the benefits of being self employed. I'm able to save money and budget for fun things, like weekends away and trips to conferences and events. Why am I sharing this with you? To let you know that there is a way to escape empty wallet syndrome. It's a simple process and with the right mindset, it's easy. You can enjoy life, free of most worries and stress. For some people this can happen fairly quickly. For others it will take longer. Like I said earlier, it took me 5 years. It starts with a decision. You must choose between instant gratification and freedom. IG is what traps us. It's the thing keeping us stuck in debt and obliged to take on that second job and not look for ways to improve our situation. Stop the descent into darkness. Stop hiding THOSE letters. Find your way out set yourself free.

If I said "Close your eyes and picture a horse." 🐎 What would you see? From the people I've spoken with, most see something between number 2 and 5. One person sees something like number 6 (hyperphastia.) That's a topic for another day. Me, I see number 1. Meaning I don't see anything except the back of my eyelids. I'm not the only one.🤷‍♂️ Around 2 - 3% of the population can't see images in their mind's eye. It's called "Aphantasia," which according to Wiki means: "The inability to visualise." When I picture a horse in my head, I don't see anything, not even an outline. Why should you care about this? Because in many types of therapy, clients are asked to imagine or picture something, as part of the process. Now imagine if you struggle with aphantasia, how frustrating would it be if your therapist kept asking you to "imagine this" or "picture that." 🤦‍♂️ Pretty bloody frustrating, especially if the therapist doesn't understand or doesn't believe the problem exists. As a hypnotherapist, I will never ask you to imagine or picture anything, because you don't need to with the system I use. If you have questions or need help and you're looking for a hypnotherapist who understands Aphantasia, I'd be happy to have a chat with you. Feel free to WhatsApp me or send me a DM. #aphantasia

Make a start, you can always make changes as you progress. If you don't get going, you'll have no idea of what will or won't work for you.

At this rate I think we've no chance of going interstellar🤣

Don't understand what's wrong with branded dog jackets?🤣


Become a better driver so you don't have to worry about ski racks🤣

Go on, you know you want to🤣

Deathly Yoga, third degree black belt🤣🤣🤣

Many people seems to have a clear idea of how other people should lead their lives, but none about their own. Paulo Coelho.

Aww, you say the nicest things😘🥰🤣

Hmm, expectations v reality?🤣

My guess is that space is used to remember all the bloody passwords I need🤣

I might be wrong - wouldn't be the first time. But I think you need to push THAT button to exit🤔🤣

Don't say we didn't warn you🤣

Pride before a fall and all that...🤣

Ey lad. Them wer' days wen you needed a proper truck to carry your gear. Ah the memories, dislocated shoulders and batteries that were never ever ready...🤣

Another sign that it might the right time to quit🤣🤣

An extremely rare glimse of wild Omnibusus Transportus, drinking at a local watering hole. Photo taken from a hide, to avoid startling these large, gentle creatures.

I know you've been waiting. So here it is. A really bad, Bad Dad joke. For your delictation🤣🤣🤣

People, when sending coconuts, please ensure they are properly attached to your swallow, because clinics just aren't coping with the influx of psychotic rabbits.🤣

I get it, but why not consider swapping child number one for a puppy instead?🤣🤣🤣

Maybe it's time to take a good, long look at where you are❤🙏🤣

Delay and succeed in more ways than one🤣🤣🤣

IF I wasn't living in a simulation on a chip, I'd say this was true🤣🤣🤣

Let's be honest here. Basically, ANY age from 8 upwards🤣🤣🤣

Told you vaping was bad. Just look at poor Sphinx's face🤣🤣🤣

Can't understand how that movie franchise lasted so long🤣🤣🤣

I scored my age, 22🤣 How about you?

Say it again, please say it again🤣🤣🤣

So tell me, what's holding you back?

I'm not asking for a show of hands, but you know who you are...

Why gaffer tape was invented. Maybe think about buying yourself a roll🤣🤣

I over analyze situations because I’m scared of what might happen if I’m not prepared for them. Turcois Ominek

Eleven minutes, that's sad. I'll be thinking of you when I'm enjoying my 1,680 seconds🤗🤣

They live among us...🤯🤣

Free the button! Buttons are being repressed and put under enourmous pressure. It's time this behaviour stopped. Join BUST today: Buttons Unchained Salvage Team🤣

And you told me fishermen were boring...🤣

OK I hear you, I'll spell it out... Shoe + Shlong = Shoelong🤣

I did say "focus on the present" Now you're gonna tell me you're seeing a squirrel mastering the art of water bending. Come on!!! Get real🤣🤣🤣

Be careful how you wish because you might end up with exactly what you didn't want🤣🤣🤣

With friends like this who needs...🤣🤣🤣

Focus on the now🤣🤣🤣

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